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PhD Defensio of Barbara Bayer

Image by Barbara Bayer

On Thursday 11th April, the DK+ associate Barbara Bayer will defend her PhD thesis entitled "Ecophysiology of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in the oxygenated water column of the ocean", conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gerhard J. Hernd.

The examiners are Prof. Dr. James T. Hollibaugh, University of Georgia, US, Prof. Dr. Marcel M.M. Kuypers, MPI for Marine Microbiology Bremen and Prof. Dr. Michael Wagner, University of Vienna.

Time and location: 3pm, Universitätszentrum Althanstraße 14 (UZAII, HS7)




Commamox Research Platform Kick-off event - 14 March 2019

On March 14 the official kick-off event of the Comammox Research Platform will take place. This inter-faculty platform aims at investigating comammox organisms at different levels, ranging from ecology to physiology and structural biology. The platform is run by members of the DK faculty (Holger Daims, Michael Wagner, Andreas Richter) and by colleagues at the Structural Biology Department at MFPL (Kristina Djinovic). You are cordially invited to participate in the kick-off event which will involve a guest speaker (Jim Prosser from the University of Aberdeen), an introduction of the platform, a small quiz about nitrogen in the environment, and (of course) some refreshments at the end!

Sky Lounge, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna

Thursday, 14.03.2019, 16:30

More information: https://comammox.univie.ac.at/news-events/details/news/14-march-2019-1630-kick-off-event-comammox/

Invitation and program: https://comammox.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/p_comammox/Invitation_Comammox_Research_Platform_Kick-Off.pdf 




Editing Genomes with CRISPR: between scientific breakthroughs and societal challenges

The international symposium "Editing genomes with CRISPR: between scientific breakthroughs and environmental challenges" was organised in Vienna on 19 & 20 October 2017 by members of the DK+ (Christa Schleper, Melina Kerou), colleagues from the Department of Science and Technology Studies and the Research Platform on Responsible Research and Innovation (Ulrike Felt, Ingrid Metzler) of the University of Vienna and "Transform! European Network for alternative thinking and political dialogue".

The symposium discussed the potential impact and challenges while exploring the scientific, ethical, and societal issues inherent in genome-editing research. Featuring inputs by key-note speakers, presentation of three scenarios where the application of CRISPR were envisioned, interdisciplinary panels, as well as formats encouraging the interaction of the audience with speakers, the aim of the symposium was to promote engagement through dialogue.


DK+ students participated actively in conceptualizing and presenting scenarios of real-world CRISPR applications. These scenarios served as a starting point for discussions during the conference, and later were also recorded in video format. Conference material and the CRISPR videos can be found in the conference website:





International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes (ICoN5) 23-27 July 2017

The DK+ co-organised and sponsored the 5th International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes, which took place in Vienna from 23-27 July, 2017. The ICoN meetings are the premier biennial opportunity for sharing scientific research related to nitrification, links between nitrification and other processes of the global nitrogen and other elemental cycles, and applications of insights from fundamental science to technical and environmental systems.

The conference chairs for this meeting were Holger Daims, Christa Schleper, and Michael Wagner, while the DK+ students (Anna Mueller, Barbara Bayer) and the DK+ coordinator (Melina Kerou) co-organised the Early Career and Graduate Student Workshop, a satellite event dedicated to young scientists. The majority of the DK+ students had the opportunity to present their work in oral or poster presentations and network with the nitrification community.

More information can be found on the conference website and here.

Participants in the Young Investigator Workshop organized by DK+ students during the ICoN5 in Vienna, 2017.
Dept. für Ökogenomik und Systembiologie

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