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Ecological Impact of the Global N-cycle and Perspectives for Sustainability


Tuesday, July 25 2017, 1:15 - 3:30 PM

Auditorium, Campus of the University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna

Human modifications of the global nitrogen cycle, triggered by huge increase in food demand to satisfy an increasing human population are the cause of dramatic environmental challenges. Excess nitrogen -introduced by chemical or organic fertilizers - not only affects climate or air/water quality, but is one of the central global challenges affecting ecosystem integrity and biodiversity. Concepts are in the making to reverse or prevent further detrimental effects on nature. This afternoon workshop will explore the effects of the nitrogen cycle in the environment and will discuss such concepts to optimize nitrogen use in food and energy production.

This event will be jointly organized by the Climate and Clean Air Commission and the Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and is a public outreach event of the International Conference on Nitrification (ICoN).


Eric DavidsonUniversity of Maryland, USA

Jeanette NortonUtah State University, USA

Jan Willem Erisman, Louis Bolk Institute, The Netherlands


Download invitation and program





Kickoff Meeting 29/30 June 2016


-PhD program- 

Microbial Nitrogen Cycling – From Single Cells to Ecosystems
University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences



Kickoff meeting 29/30 June 2016



Location: KLI Klosterneuburg, Martinstraße 12, A-3400, Klosterneuburg

Participants: DK+ Faculty and associates, DK+ students and associated DK+ students, invited speakers, interested guests

Lectures on the first day will be open for guests from other universities, research centers and schools



In the context of this meeting, we had the pleasure of hosting talks from two prominent N-cycle researchers:

Prof. Lisa Stein (University of Alberta), talking about Nitrous Oxide production by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea, and Prof. Jan Willem Erisman (Professor of Integrated Nitrogen Studies, VU University of Amsterdam) talking about the modifications on the N-cycle caused by humanity, and the impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems. 

For the full program, please see here.

University of Vienna's Medienportal announcement for the meeting: Den Mikroorganismen auf der Spur



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